Mrs Ayelet Levin-Karp, Head of Trade and Economic to Ghana
Ghana is to host the State of Israel Agricultural Innovation Summit in June to create enabling environment for dialoguing and exploration of grounds for technological transfer, Mrs Ayelet Levin-Karp, Head of Trade and Economic to Ghana stated in Accra on Thursday.
“Israel has become a super power and endowed with Agricultural Innovation Technologies, which has catapulted the transformation of the Israeli economy, we therefore seek to share that experience with Ghana and other African countries.
“The Israel/Ghana Agricultural Innovation Technology summit will offer both countries opportunities to develop and build new ties through the agricultural value chain especially as the Ghanaian government seeks to use agriculture to create jobs, food and exports”, Mrs Levin-Karp told the Ghana News Agency in an interview.
Mrs Levin-Karp who was speaking on Ghana and Israeli Relationship, explained that about 20 Israeli companies and entrepreneurs would participate in the summit, which would be in the form of exhibition, dialogue and site visits.
She said Israeli Agricultural Specialists would also give lectures alongside the exhibition and workshop, whilst a panel of Ghanaians and Israelis would dissect other topical issues.
The Israeli Head of Trade and Economic to Ghana noted that food security is a critical issue that the world including Ghana has to find solutions to through innovative agricultural technology, “therefore Israel as a strategic partner seeks to share with Ghana and other African countries our breakthroughs.
“We will share during the summit and beyond Israeli Agricultural Drip Irrigation Technology; Biofeed which is an innovative and effective, patented control technology without harming human health and the environment and other innovative agricultural technological advancement”.
On Ghana/Israeli Trade Relations, Mrs Levin-Karp said the relationship is progressively growing mutually for the benefit of the two nations, “some Israeli companies have expressed interest in importing some Ghanaian products whilst others are also looking at establishing ventures in Ghana.
“There are over 30 registered Israeli companies in Ghana doing direct business whilst over 100 companies are doing brisk business through their counterpart companies in Ghana”.
Mrs Levin-Karp said Israel has scaled-up its trade and economic relationship with Ghana, therefore the setting up of the mission desk specifically to develop and enhance trade relations between Israel and Ghana, will also serve as a springboard onto the other West African countries.
She said the Israeli Trade and Economic Mission in Accra was the first in West Africa, and has oversight responsibilities for the sub-region, which seeks to cement and affirm the potential to develop economic relations with Israel and Ghana in particular and the rest of the sub-region in general.
She said the mission would also create and facilitate opportunities for business between Ghanaian and Israeli companies.
She reiterated popular Israeli adage, “Israel is coming to Africa and Africa is also coming back to Israel,” which seeks to “focus on mutual respect and understanding to work together for the benefit of our people”.
She said Israel considers Africa as partners in development not only diplomatically but being extended to the economic and other fronts; “we want to cement our relationship with Africa. Israel is Africa’s closest neighbour and as such we must move together.”
Mrs Levin-Karp said as closest neighbour, we understand Africa’s peculiar challenges; “Israel has also gone through its own irregular challenges but we have been able to overcome to become a major world player, Africa can also rise above its numerous challenges, Israel as a neighbour and friend is ready to offer the needed support”.
Source: GNA