As we marked African Youth Day this year under the theme “Educating an African Fit for the 21st Century,” we were reminded of the immense potential and expertise young Africans possess to shape the future of our continent. Brimming with talent, creativity, and a relentless drive, we have the vision to lead Africa toward a brighter future. However, this potential often remains untapped due to limited access to opportunities that empower us to take meaningful action.
At the recent Pan-African Youth Forum in Oran, Algeria, I had the privilege of witnessing the relaunch of the African Union’s “1 Million Next Level Initiative”, a program that truly resonates with me. This ambitious initiative seeks to empower 300 million African youth by 2030 through five key pillars: Education, Employment, Entrepreneurship, Engagement, and Health & Wellbeing (the 4Es and H). This to me is a bold step toward equipping young Africans with the tools and opportunities needed to pursue our aspirations, drive Africa’s growth, and ultimately steer the continent toward lasting prosperity.
As I reflect on African Youth Day and my experiences at the forum, it’s clear that youth development and empowerment must be at the forefront of Africa’s transformation. Addressing the challenges we face and harnessing our immense potential has the power to make the 1 Million Next Level Initiative profoundly impact the lives of millions of young Africans.
With this initiative and a collective commitment to action, the future of Africa lies firmly in the hands of its youth. We must start now. No matter how small, every step counts. Whether it’s starting a project in your community, innovating within your field, or simply thinking outside the box to tackle the challenges around us, young Africans have the power to lead change. Let’s not wait for opportunities to come to us. Let’s create them!
It’s time for us to embrace our talents, spark innovation, and be the change-makers we want to see in Africa. The 1 Million Next Level Initiative is here to support us, but the first step is for us to start. Let’s start now, in our own spaces, with bold ideas and a mindset of innovation.
We are the Africa we want!
Long Live Africa! Happy Africa Youth Day!
By Rehana Yakubu